You will need a business licence in order to operate a business in the City of Kenora. This includes a home office, retail storefront or a booth at a community event. Please review the City of Kenora Business Licence By-law for full details about the business licences and regulations in Kenora.
Check our BizPal to discover exactly which businesses licence you need in order to legally own and operate a business in the Province of Ontario.
Before you apply
You need to provide a current criminal background check before we will issue a business licence. This is done to ensure community health and safety. You can apply for a criminal background check online or you can apply in person at the Ontario Provincial Police Kenora Dispatch.
Apply for a business licence
Please complete the Application for a Business Licence and submit it to City Hall located at 1 Main St. S. in order to apply for a Business licence.
If you live in Kenora, you only need to apply once for a business licence. If you are a non-resident, you need to apply annually for a business licence. You must submit your application by May 1 each year. All licences are in effect from May 1 to April 30 of the following year.
The following licensing fees apply:
- $125 for a residential business licence
- $270 for a non-residential business licence
Special event business licence
Please complete the Application for a Business Licence and submit it to City Hall located at 1 Main St. S. in order to apply for a special event licence.
A special event business licence will remain in effect for the duration of the event only. You will need to apply for a new licence if you want to attend another event.
The following fees apply:
- $100 for the first event licence in a year
- $50 for each additional event licence in a year
Taxi licences
You need a licence in order to operate a taxi company, own a taxi vehicle or drive a taxicab in the City of Kenora. Please visit City Hall located at 1 Main St. S. to apply for the follow taxi licences:
- Taxi Broker
- Taxi Driver
The licence requirements and applications vary depending on the type taxi licence you require. Review the City of Kenora By-law to Regulate Taxi Cabs/Limousines and Drays.
Sign permits
You'll need a sign permit in order to put up a sign for your business. Learn how to apply for a sign permit in Kenora.
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